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Manitoba, Canada Obituaries and Death Notices Collection - MANITOBA - Steinbach - Miscellaneous Obituaries - 68
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Margaret Reimer of Steinbach, Man. passed away Nov. 16, 2005 at Bethesda Place, at the age of 82.
Margaret was employed for 30 years at the Rest Haven Nursing Home Laundry Department until her retirement at age 63.
She is survived by her sisters, Anna P. Friesen and Sara (Albert) Brandt; brothers, Abram (Margaret) Reimer, and David R. Reimer; sister-in-law Olga Friesen; and brother-in-law Ruben (Betty) Reimer. She was predeceased by her parents, Cornelius P. and Maria Reimer, and numerous siblings.
Viewing will be held Friday, Nov. 18, 7 p.m., at Birchwood Funeral Chapel, 150 Penfeld Dr., Steinbach. The funeral service will be held Saturday, Nov. 19, 11 a.m., at Birchwood Funeral Chapel. Interment at the Blumenort EMC Cemetery.
If friends so desire, donations may be made to Evangelical Mennonite Conference Missions, 440 Main St., Steinbach, MB, R5G 1Z5.
Arrangements by Birchwood Funeral Chapel (Co-op), Steinbach and Winnipeg, Man.
Lloyd passed away suddenly at the Bethesda Hospital in Steinbach, Man., at the age of 85 years, Nov. 10.
He will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Lloyd is survived by his one daughter, Debbie (Dale) Rosner; grandchildren, Jennifer and Nicole; one sister, Shirley York; two nephews and six nieces and many friends.
He was predeceased by his wife Lena in 2001; his parents; and one brother killed in action during World War 2.
Lloyd served in the Royal Canadian Air Force for four years. During this time he met his wife Lena and through their 55 years of marriage they have worked through many personal and business endeavors.
A service of remembrance for Lloyd will be held Friday, Nov. 18, 2 p.m., at the Niverville United Church, 55 - 1st Street North. Rev. Anne Manikel will be officiating and a reception will follow the service in the church basement.
A special thank you to Dr. Kaethler, the E.R. staff and Chaplain Larry Hirst at the Bethesda Hospital.
If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Arrangements entrusted to Steinbach Funeral Home 5 Chrysler Gate, Steinbach, Man.
Suddenly, Nov. 15, with his special friends at his side, Marvin went to be with the Lord at the age of 79. Marvin grew up in Ashern, Man. He was predeceased by his parents, Herman and Frieda, and brother Elvin.
He leaves to cherish his memory, brother Elmo (Betty); special friends, Rose Marie, Louise, Denis, Raymond, Anna, Frank, Helen, co-workers at Dawson Trail Opportunities Unlimited. Marvin was so loved by all of us; he was a happy-go-lucky guy who always had a story to tell.
A special thank you to Dr. Bissonnette, Sylvia and all the staff at Ste. Anne Hospital.
The funeral service will be held Monday, Nov. 21, 11 a.m., at Birchwood Funeral Chapel, 150 Penfeld Dr., Steinbach, Man., with viewing prior to the service. Interment at Ste Anne Roman Catholic Church.
Arrangements by Birchwood Funeral Chapel, Steinbach and Winnipeg, Man.
À la suite d'une lutte courageuse de 26 ans contre le cancer, Gérard est décédé paisiblement à l'âge de 81 ans, le samedi 12 novembre, à La Broquerie, chez lui entouré de sa famille.
Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse de 36 ans Madeleine (Trudel) et ses enfants Gilbert (Lucille Jolicoeur), Yvonne (David Savard), Aimé (Yolande Granger), Claude (Annette Grenier), Louis (Irène Bonneville), Raymond (Bonnie Daneault) et Ginette (Fernand Piché) ainsi que les fils de Madeleine, Gérald Lamoureux (Louise Boisjoli) et Alain Lamoureux (Monique Laroche). Il laisse aussi dans le deuil ses 30 petits enfants et 17 arrière petits-enfants. Gérard laisse aussi ses frères Joseph (Imelda Ruest) et Jean (Missionnaire d'Afrique) et ses sœurs Alice (Wenden), Germaine (Boily) et Gertrude (Dubé).
Gérard fut prédécédé par son épouse de 22 ans Louise (Vielfaure); ses frères Aimé, Laurent, Paul et sœurs Marguerite, Hélène, Desanges (Forest), Irène (Fournier), Laurette (Désorcy). Gérard est né à La Broquerie le 8 mai 1924, fils de Louis et Rosilda (Gosselin).
Suite à ses études au collège à St-Boniface, il a été fermier laitier de 1944 à '57. Il épousa Louise Vielfaure le 18 juin 1946. Il acheta La Broquerie Tranfer en 1957, qui est maintenant Tétrault Transport. Il a aussi été co-propriétaire de La Broquerie Lumber et Marchand Hôtel. Il créa Beau Sapin Ltée, une entreprise de développement de terrains résidentiels à Marchand et contribua énormément au développement de Marchand Ouest. En 2003, Gérard a été reconnu par le CDEM comme `Pionnier en entrepreneurship' de la francophonie manitobaine.
Membre fondateur le l'équipe de Habs de La Broquerie en 1948, il était un joueur exceptionnel; ensuite entraineur, gérant, et encore plus engagé en tant que partisan. Gérard était fondateur du comité de construction de la 1e arène et y contribua d'inombrables heures. Il fut également président du Comité de construction de l'Arène Centenaire ('67), ensuite il contribua a batir la troisième arena. La liste d'organismes à laquelle il a siégé comme bénévole est exhaustive et se mesure en années plus longues que sa vie. Il a été particulièrement fier de son implication de plus de 40 ans au sein du mouvement des Caisse Populaires, les Chevaliers de Colomb depuis 1957, la Chambre de Commerce, la S.S.J.B. de La Broquerie, la FAFM, Francofonds, le `Christmas Cheer Board'...
Il s'engagea comme bénévole au prélèvement de fonds annuel pour la Fondations du Cœur et était aussi bénévole au service de la GRC. Gérard a reçu le Certificat de Mérite du Gouvernement du Canada en reconnaissance de sa contribution à sa communauté en 1988.
Gérard était un homme de détermination et de convictions fortes. Il fut un homme dévoué à sa famille, homme fier de sa communauté, toujours prêt à aider à quelques projets que se soit. Il était un homme généreux et de foi inébranlable. Il était un homme vaillant avec une passion incomparable pour la vie, homme fier de sa langue, sa culture et de son village. Nous citons un extrait de son écrit dans le livre de la famille Tétrault en 1995 " J'ai toujours aimé mon épouse, mes enfants, mes petits enfants, mes parents, mes amis, mes employés, J'ai aimé les sorties, les soirées, les voyages, le sport. J'aime mon prêtre, ma paroisse, mon village, c'est la que j'ai eu mes joies, mes peines, mes épreuves, mes rêves, mes succès, mes plaisirs, et c'est à l'ombre de cette belle église que je désire dormir mon dernier sommeil. "
Nous voulons remercier l'équipe de soins palliatifs de santé sud-est pour leur travail dévoué. Un merci sincère à tous ceux qui ont offert des prières, rendu des services et visité Gérard pendant sa maladie.
Les prières ont été récitées le mecredi 16 novembre 2005 à 19h00 au Salon mortuaire Desjardins, 357 rue DesMeurons. La messe des funérailles a eu lieu le jeudi 17 novembre 2005 à 11h00 en l'église de Saint-Joachim, La Broquerie, Manitoba. Inhumation des restes aura lieu au cimetière de La Broquerie à une date ultérieure.
Au lieu de fleurs, les amis qui le désirent peuvent faire un don à la mémoire de Gérard à la Fondation de recherche de l'Hôpital Général Saint-Boniface "Recherche pour le Cancer"
La direction des funérailles de M. Gérard Tétrault a été confiée au Salon mortuaire Desjardins, 233-4949 ou sans frais, 1-888-233-4949. La famille et les amis sont invités a signer le Livre de Condoléance au
After a courageous 26-year battle with cancer, Nov. 12, 2005, at home, surrounded by his family, Gérard passed away at the age of 81 years.
He leaves to mourn his wife of 36 years, Madeleine (Trudel); and his children, Gilbert (Lucille Jolicoeur), Yvonne (David Savard), Aimé (Yolande Granger), Claude (Annette Grenier), Louis (Irène Bonneville), Raymond (Bonnie Daneault), and Ginette (Fernand Piché); as well as Madeleine's sons, Gérald Lamoureux (Louise Boisjoli) and Alain Lamoureux (Monique Laroche). He also leaves to mourn, 30 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Gérard also leaves his brothers, Joseph (Imelda Ruest) and Jean (African Missionary); and sisters, Alice (Wenden), Germaine (Boily) and Gertrude (Dubé).
Gérard was predeceased by his first wife of 22 years, Louise (Vielfaure); his brothers, Aimé, Laurent, Paul; and sisters, Marguerite, Hélène, Desanges (Forest), Irène (Fournier), Laurette (Désorcy).
Gérard was born in La Broquerie, Man., May 8, 1924, son of Louis and Rosilda (Gosselin).
Following his studies at St-Boniface College he owned a dairy farm from 1944 to '57. He married Louise Vielfaure June 18, 1946. As part of his entrepreneurial endeavors, he purchased La Broquerie Transfer Ltd. in 1957, which is now Tétrault Transport Inc. He was also a partner with La Broquerie Lumber and Marchand Hotel. Upon retirement and because of his love of nature, he created Beau Sapin Ltd., a land development company in Marchand and also contributed greatly to the Marchand West development. Gérard was recipient of the `Pionnier en entrepreneurship', a prestigious award given to francophone entrepreneurs.
He had a love for sports, especially hockey. He was an original member of the first La Broquerie Senior hockey team, an exceptional player, coach, manager and an even more devout fan of the La Broquerie Habs. Gérard was founding member of the construction committee of the first arena and donated countless hours to the task. He was also president of the Centennial Arena construction committee and also a valuable contributor to La Broquerie's third arena. Volunteer on many boards, too many to list, he was particularly proud of his 40 plus years of service to the Caisse Populaire movement, nearly 40 years as a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Chamber of Commerce, and la S.S.J.B. de LaBroquerie, FAFM, Francofonds... to name but a few. He was a regular canvasser for many years with the Canadian Heart Foundation and organized an annual golf tournament fund-raiser for the St. Boniface Hospital Cancer Research Foundation. He enjoyed volunteering with the RCMP, as well as delivering Christmas hampers for the Christmas Cheer Board. In 1988 he received `The Government of Canada Certificate of Merit' for outstanding contribution to his community.
He was a devout family man, proud of his community, always ready to help with many projects, a man of faith, generous, hardworking, and an individual with a contagious zest for life. He was proud of his heritage, his culture and his hometown. We cite an excerpt from a text he wrote in the Tétrault Family book, "I've always loved my wife, my children, my grandchildren, my parents, my friends, my employees; I love outings, social events, traveling, and sports. I love my parish priest, and my community, where I've experienced joy, sorrow, challenges, fulfillment of dreams, successes, happiness, and it is in the shadow of our beautiful church that I wish to have my eternal sleep".
We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the palliative care team. Sincere thanks to all those who have offered prayers, rendered services and visited Gérard during his illness.
Prayers were held Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2005, 7 p.m., at Desjardins Funeral Chapel, 357 DesMeurons Street. Funeral Mass was held Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005, 11 a.m., at the Saint-Joachim Roman Catholic Church in La Broquerie, Man. Interment of the cremated remains will take place at a later date in the La Broquerie cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the St-Boniface Hospital & Research Foundation "Cancer Research Fund", 409 Taché Ave-Room D1003, Winnipeg, MB, R2H 9Z9.
The Desjardins Funeral Chapel in care of arrangements, 233-4949 or toll free 1-888-233-4949. Family and friends are invited to sign the Book of Condolence at
Dr. Harold Fast of Steinbach, Man., born Nov. 5, 1949, died Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005, at the age of 56. He died in Pakistan of natural causes. He is survived by his wife, Alfrieda; and his four children: Jordan, Kara, Stephanie and Mary Jane; his mother, Tina Fast; two brothers, and six sisters.
Funeral services for Harold will take place at the Blumenort church, Friday, Nov. 25, 2005 at 2 p.m.
Arrangements entrusted to
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of our husband, Dad, and Gee-Gee. As per his wishes, he passed away peacefully in his sleep at his home, Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 in Medika, Man.
Peter was born Jan. 13, 1920 in Medika. His father died when he was 14, so at that young age Peter began cutting pulp in the bush to help support the family. He enlisted in the army during the Second World War, and after basic training he was sent to Tofino, B.C. After the war he returned to the family homestead in Medika, where he farmed for the last 60 years. Family was everything to Peter, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren were special to him. Dad could always be found on the bridge, either looking for fish in the spring or visiting with whoever was driving by.
Left to cherish his memory are his wife of 60 years, Frances (Silinski); and children: Clifford (Linda), Diana (Mike) Shewchuk, Sylvia (Gordon) Ducharme, Gail (Allan) Bannerman, Rick (Janine), Brenda (David) Turchyn, and Shelly (Bob) Barta; 14 grandchildren: Cheryl Shewchuk, Michelle (Chris) McColm, Val (Lars) Feilberg, Jason Ducharme, Traci (Mike) Klimchuk, Keriann Shewchuk (Trevor), Mason Bannerman, Aundrea (Brent) Novakoski, Jody Rzyhak (Cindy), Erin (Trevor) Wowk, Brittany, Rebecca, Katelyn and Dylan Turchyn; and nine great-grandchildren: Kynan, Arius, Mikaius, Hailee, Alexandra, Ethan, Hayden, Trent and Marlee.
Peter is also survived by many brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, Anne and Stanley; sister Julia; brothers, John and Joe; and sister-in-law Olga.
To honor Peter's wishes, a private family service with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will take place during burial at Birch River Cemetery in Medika.
Sobering Funeral Home in Beausejour is in care of arrangements. If friends so desire, in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Cancer Society of Manitoba.
born at Rosenbach, Manitoba Nov. 9, 1917 to Isaac and Elizabeth Wiens
Peacefully, Nov. 17, 2005, Mother went to be with our Lord. She had suffered a stroke on Nov. 9.
She was predeceased by her husband, Abram A., in 1988; one daughter Margaret; son-in-law Herb Martens; granddaughter Candace Reimer in infancy; and son-in-law Bill Reimer.
She is survived by daughter Mary Anne Reimer and family, son Isaac (Verna) and family, son Abe (Brenda) and family, son Dave (Lynn) and family; 17 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren; and by one sister, Anne Plett.
The funeral service was held Nov. 22 at the Grunthal Bergthaler Church. Interment at Grunthal Cemetery.
Donations may be made to the Menno Home Foundation, Box 280, Grunthal, MB, R0A 0R0.
Special thanks to the Menno Home staff for their care and caring spirit.
The Family
Arrangements entrusted to Birchwood Funeral Chapel Steinbach and Winnipeg, Man.
Mr. Abraham G. Hiebert died Nov. 17 at Bethesda Hospital at the age of 91. We will all miss him so very much, but know that he is with the Lord. His life was testimony to his deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is survived by his sons, Ken Hiebert, Bruce Hiebert, and daughter Joy Hansen, all of Seattle, Washington.
Dad was a veteran of WWII and landed in Normandy on D-day on Juneau Beach with the Canadian infantry as a medical corpsman. Abe met his wife, Gladys, in Scotland and after they were married, they moved from Canada to Santa Cruz, California, where he spent most of his years working as a carpenter and serving as deacon in Twin Lakes Baptist Church.
There will be a memorial celebrating Dad's life on Dec. 17, 2005, 1 p.m., at Birchwood Funeral Chapel, Steinbach, Man.
With great sadness the family of John Bencharski announces his passing at the age of 88 years, Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005 at the Rest Haven Personal Care Home in Steinbach, Man., surrounded by loved ones.
John was born April 25, 1917. He was predeceased by his wife Marge in July, 2000. He will be lovingly remembered by four daughters: Shirley (Ron) Rudiak, Sheila (Robert) Sutyla, Janet (George) Van Nieuw Amerongen, Joan (Garry) Proceviat; grandchildren, Ronald (Christina), Barbara, Bryan (Angie), Tracy, Kimberley, Jared, Scott (Jil), Shane (Lynn), Jeremy, Justin, Nathan, Jennifer and Steven; great-grandchildren, Austin, Tori, Brett, Kaden and Emily; his brothers and sisters; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were his grandchildren.
The funeral was held Thursday, Nov. 24, 2005 in Green Acres Funeral Chapel, with interment in the Ukrainian Catholic Church Cemetery in Elma, Man.
Words cannot adequately express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the relatives and friends of John for your many kind acts and visits.
Special thanks to Dr. C. Krahn and the staff of the Rest Haven Personal Care Home for their excellent care of our dad.
Thank you to all who helped put on the lunch at the Elma Community Club after the interment; thank you for all the prayers, cards, flowers and acts of kindness in our time of sorrow.
Donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, 3052 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2M8, or to CancerCare Manitoba, 100 Olivia Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 9Z9.
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