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1925 Calgary Daily Herald In Memoriam Postings
AITKEN, Jim -- 12-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son little Jim?, who passed away Dec 13, 1924,
(Poem) Ever remembered by his Father and Mother.
ALBRIGHT, Lloyd -- 7-Nov-1925 -- In ever loving memory of dear little Lloyd, who was called home, Nov 8, 1924, (Poem) Daddy, Mama, Jimmy and Margaret.
ANDERSON, Ada -- 31-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Ada Anderson, beloved daughter of Mr. E. Robertson, who died on Oct 30, 1913. (Poem)
ANDERSON, Ada -- 30-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Ada Anderson, beloved daughter of Mrs. E. Robertson, who died on Oct 20, 1918 (Poem)
ANDRUS, Baby Dothy Joyce -- 14-Dec-1925 -- In memory of our dear baby, Dorothy Joyce Andrus, who passed away Dec 13, 1923 (Poem) Ever remembered by her father and mother, Mr. And Mrs. C.E. Andrus.
ANNABLE, William Doriand? -- 7-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, William Doriand Annable, who passed away Feb 7, 1924, (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife, Mrs. MC. Annable
AREWRIGHT, Peter -- 23-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear brother, Peter, who died April 22, 1921? or 4? + Gertie and Alf.
ARMITAGE, Eric -- 22-Jul-1925 -- In memory of our dear son, Eric, called to rest July 22, 1923 - Inserted by his loving Mother and Dad.
ARMITAGE, Eric -- 22-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear cousin, Eric Armitage, who died July 22, 1923 - Ever remembered by his cousins, guy and
Agnes Clazon?
ATHEY, C.W. Mr. -- 3-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, who passed away June 3, 1924, - Inserted by Mrs. C.W. Athey and family.
ATKINSON, George -- 13-May-1925 -- In loving memory of George Edward Atkinson, who died May 13, 1923 - Ever remembered by his son and daughter, Mildred and eddie
BACKHOUSE, Annie -- 11-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Annie Backhouse, who died April 12, 1920 Ever remembered by Ben?, Tom, Carlie and Neilie?
BADCOCK, Albert John -- 17-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Albert John Badcock, who passed away Feb 17, 1920 - Sadly missed by his sorrowing wife.
BARKER, Neil -- 10-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear Neil who died on Aug. 9, 1921 (Poem) Inserted by her Father, Brothers, Sisters and Bert.
BARNS, Alexander -- 15-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of Alexander Barns, of the 10th Battalion who was killed in action at Hill 70, France, Aug. 15, 1917 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife.
BAXTER, Harriet -- 16-May-1925 -- Dear to the memory of Harriet beloved wife of Thomas Baxter, who fell asleep May 15, 1924 - Sadly missed by Dad, Doris? And Harry.
BEALE, Leonard -- 25-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of our little son, Leonard, who passed away April 29?, 1924 (Poem) - Sadly missed by Mother, Daddy, Sisters and Brothers.
BEASLEY, Frank -- 10-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Frank (Poem) Inserted by wife, daughter, violet and brother Dan.
BEGRIE, Jessie -- 9-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Jessie Bergrie, who died in Calgary Alta. Oct 9, 1925 (Poem) Inserted by the family.
BEGRIE, William -- 21-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear father, William Begrie, who slipped away Nov 21, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by the family.
BELL, Cassie -- 29-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear daughter (Cassie) who went home Aug 29, 1919 (Poem) Father, mother, James and Katherine 1110 Sixteenth avenue N.W.
BIDMEAD, Paatricia Mary (Pat) -- 5-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear baby, Patricia Mary (Pat) who died June 5, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed by Mamma, Dad, and Tommy.
BIDMEAD, Pat -- 5-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of little Pat, who passed away June 5, 1924 (Poem) By one who cared.
BLAIR, Alex -- 3-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of Alex Blair who die Dec 31, 1918
BLAIR, Alexander -- 31-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Alexander Blair, who died Dec 31, 1918? (Poem) Ever remembered by his wife and daughters.
BLEARS, Joey -- 30-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of Joey Blears who passed away Sept 30, 1922 (Poem) - Father, mother, and little brother.
BLUNDON, Joe -- 8-Jan-1925 -- In ever loving memory of my dear husband, Joe, who passed away Jan 8th, 1922 - Ever remembered by his Wife, Daughter and Sons.
BOWERS, Arthur E. -- 29-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of Arthur E. Bowers, accidentally killed July 20, 1922 (Poem) fondly remembered by his wife and Family.
BOWROW, Jonathan -- 21-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Jonathan Borwrow, who died Dec 20, 1924 - Ever remembered by his loving wife and family.
BOYCE, Leslie -- 25-Jul-20 -- In loving memory of Leslie who passed to higher life, July 25, 1920, at Frank Military Hospital, Late C.A.M.C. - Fondly remembered by Mother, Father, Brother and sister.
BRANDRETH, Ida Evelyn -- 22-Aug-1925 -- In cherished remembrance of Ida Evelyn, my beloved only daughter, (Poem) Until we meet again. - Mother, Aug 22, 1918
BREARLEY, Percy Turton -- 14-Nov-1925 -- In memory of our daddy, Percy Turton Brearley, who was laid to rest on November 15, 1924, Beloved son-in-law of Benjamin Golalicrpe, principal of the firm of Gogahorpe? & Sons, Bullhouse Flour Mills, N. Sheffield, England. (Poem) Wife, Catherine and Grand
BREEN, Thelma -- 21-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our little girl, Thelma, who passed away March 20, 1924 - Ever remembered by Father, Mother and Brother.
BRITTAIN, Jean Porter -- 27-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of Jean Porter who passed away on January 27, 1921, Ever remembered in love by Mother and sisters.
BROWN, Aaron Private -- 13-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son, Private Aaron Brown, who died from wounds, April 13, 1917, received at Vimy ridge, April 9, 1917 - Will always be remembered by his loving Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters.
BROWN, Harry -- 3-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of Harry Brown, who passed away on Sept 3, 1924. - Fondly remembered by his loving wife and family.
BROWN, Jonathan -- 19-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Jonathan Brown, who died Dec 20, 1924 - Ever remembered by his loving wife and family.
BROWN, Louisa -- 7-May-1925 -- In ever loving memory of my dear sister, Louisa Brown, who passed away May 7th, 1919 (Poem) - Inserted by Mrs. C. Tucker
BROWN, Louisa -- 7-May-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Louisa, my wife, who entered the immediate presence of her Lord and Mine, May 7, 1919, (Poem) M. Brown V.I.
BROWN, William -- 10-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear beloved son, William who died June 10, 1924 - Sadly missed by Father, Mother, Sister and Brother.
BURGOIN, Melicent -- 20-Jul-1925 -- In affectionate remembrance of our dear mother, Melicent Burgoin, Inserted by Margaret, Herbert and Harold
BURNE, Minnie A. -- 24-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of Minnie A. ???, Wife of T.R. Burne, Glelchen, and beloved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh? Calgary, who died Mar 24, 192? (Poem)
CAMPBELL, Emily Jane -- 19-Aug-1925 -- In loving and affectionate remembrance of Emily Jane Campbell, who passed away suddenly at 4502 Burnstand avenue Aug 19, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by her sorrowing husband and family.
CAMPBELL, Emily Jane -- 19-Aug-1925 -- To the memory of our dear sister, Emily Goodwin Campbell, who died Aug 19, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by mother and family.
CAMPBELL, T.O. (TOOTE) Lieut. -- 28-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of (Toote) Lieut. T.O. Pirie? Campbell, M.C. 1st Gordon Highlanders, killed in action Mar 28, 1918 - Inserted by ??? D 91st Highlanders
CANNING, Harriet R? -- 11-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Harriet R? or S? or H.? Canning, who died Sept 11, 1924 At rest Deeply mourned by her loving husband and family.
CANNING, Patricia May -- 23-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Patricia May dear little Pat, who died very suddenly at Glasglow, Scotland, June 23, 1924. Age two years and one month (Poem) Momma and Daddy + Nettie and Bessie?
CARSON, Ethel Marian -- 27-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of Ethel Marian who died January 27, 1924? (Poem) Inserted by Mother, dad and Vivian
CARSON, Ethel Marian -- 27-Jan-1925 -- In ever loving memory of dear little Ethel, Died Jan 27, 1924?, (Poem) Inserted by Grandma and Aunt Ethel.
CAVE, Tilly -- 11-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Tilly, who fell asleep Feb 11, 1920? (Poem) Always missed by Mother, Dad, Bob and Millie and Tom.
CHEVOUS, Mrs. -- 27-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, wife of T. Chevous, who died January 27, 1922? (Poem) From her loving daughter, Minnie?, Ross?, and Annie?
CLARE, Margaret Elizabeth -- 18-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth clare, who passed away Dec 18, 1924? - Ever remembered by husband and children.
COSTIGAN, J. Frank Major -- 9-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Major J. Frank Constigan, 50th Batt C.E.F. eldest son of Mrs. John R. Costigan, killed in action at Vimy ridge, April 10, 1917, buried at Villers-au-Bots military cemetery, France. (Poem) Ever remembered by Mother, Brother and sister.
COURT, Ada A. -- 22-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, ada A. court, who passed away April 22, 1922. Fondly remembered and sadly missed by her only daughter, Lily and frank. + In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, who passed away April 22, 1922 - Inserted by her Hus
COURT, Tommy -- 18-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of our loving Tommy, who passed away on July 19, 1920 (Poem) Inserted by his loving Mother and Father.
COWIE, Mrs. -- 31-Oct-1925 -- In memory of a loving husband and father, who passed away Sept 1, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by his sorrowing wife and family.
CRAWFORD, Walter (Mickey) -- 6-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Walter (Mickey) Crawford, who was drowned at South Calgary, Nov 6, 1922 (Poem) Wife and children.
CROW, Rod -- 8-Jun-1925 -- In memory of my dear son, Rod, drowned at Macleod?, June 5, 1919 (Poem) Mother.
CUELL, Ernest Walter Ean -- 12-Sep-1925 -- In ever loving memory of dear Earn, who passed away Sept 12, 1924 (Poem) - Uncle Charlie, Aunt Susie, and family. + Dad and Mother, Auntie + Uncle Jack, Aunt Harriett and family.
CUNNINGHAM, David -- 12-May-1925 -- In loving memory of David Cunningham, who fell asleep May 12, 1924 We shall meet again. Inserted by wife and daughter.
CURRIE, Jimmie (Jim) -- 31-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of little Jimmie who died Jan 3, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by Mr. J. Thompson, also Sadly missed by father, Dad and Billie?
DAHL, A. -- 3-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear father, A. Dahl, who fell asleep April 3, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his sorrowing children
DANIEL, Carrie -- 22-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, who died Aug 23, 1918 (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving children, Jean Carrie and Jimmie Daniel.
DANIEL, Carrie -- 22-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear sister (Carrie Daniel, who died Aug 23, 1918 (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving sister, Hearietta? Daniel.
DANIEL, Flora -- 27-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of Flora and James Daniel, died March 24 and 17, 1922 (Poem) Inserted by their brother and sister-in-law, Harriette and George Daniel
DAVIDSON, Mr. -- 14-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of a beloved husband and father, who passed away Feb. 15, 1924 - Thel and Mary.
DAWSON, Charles J. -- 28-Sep-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Private Charles J. Dawson, killed in action Sept 28, 1918. Ever remembered by his brother and sister, 1116 Eighth street east.
DAWSON, Marguerite -- 9-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling girl, Marguerite, who departed this life October 11, 1924 - Deeply mourned by Father, Mother, Brother and sisters.
DEAL, Herbert David -- 22-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Hebert David, who died in Calgary, Canada, April 22, 192? (Poem) Inserted by his wife and Children, Sisters and Brothers of Brighton, England.
DEEVES, W.J. -- 12-Mar-1925 -- In memory of W.J. Deeves, who died March 12th 1923 - Ever remembered by his loving wife.
DENT, Melvin -- 10-Oct-1925 -- Sacred to the memory of our dear boy, Pte. Melvin Dent. (Poem) Inserted by his dear mother and father, Mr. And Mrs. Amos dent and cousin, Muriel Tulaman?
DEWAR, Daniel -- 28-Aug-1925 -- In still sorrowful and ever-honoured memory of my dearly loved brother, Daniel Dewar, pharmaceutical chemist and druggist, late Messrs Bathgate & Co. Calcutta, and late senior warden of the Masonic Lodge of Calcutta, who died at Dunblane Scotland, Aug 28,
DICKIE, Katherine Dewar -- 16-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Katherine Dewar, dearly beloved wife of W.H. Dickie 424 First avenue S.E., who passed away at Victoria B.C. Oct 16, 1920 (Poem) Inserted by her Husband and Family. + Inserted by her daughter, Jean Mersereau, Warren Ohio, USA.
DINGLE, Lucy -- 25-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Lucy dingle who passed away in Vancouver, Nov 25, 1918 - Sadly missed by Mother, Father and Sister. Mr. and Mrs. George Wells and mrs. Gordon Cooper.
DONEGAN, Alfred -- 20-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Alfred Donegan, who passed away in Belcher hospital, Nov.. 20, 1924. (Poem) Frm his devoted wife and daughters in London, England.
DRISKELL, John William -- 23-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, John William Driskell, who passed away March 22, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife, children and mother.
DUCKWORTH, Eva May -- 3-Jan-1925 -- I loving memory of our darling little Eva May, who died Jan 2, 1923? - Parents, Sisters and Brothers.
DUCKWORTH, Thomas -- 22-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear father, Thomas Duckworth, who died July 22, 1924 (Poem) - Inserted by his loving daughter, Mrs. Yeadon.
DUCKWORTH, Thomas Mrs. -- 17-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, who died Oct 17, 1924, wife of Late Thomas Duckworth. - Inserted by Sons and Daughters.
DUTTON, Edith Annie -- 14-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear wife, Edith Annie Dutton, who passed away Feb 15, 1923 - ever remembered by Husband and Children.
EDEN, Norman -- 2-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear sonnie Norman, who went home Nove 2, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his Father and Mother, Sister Edna and Anne Gladys, late of Calgary now of 847 Carios Calvo, Buenos Aires, South America
EDWARDS, Sarah -- 11-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Edwards, who died Nov 11, 1924 (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving children, Reg and Helen Edwards.
ELLIOTT, Albert -- 24-Oct-23 -- In loving memory of Albert Marshall, who passed away at Blairmore Oct. 24 1923 - Ever remembered by his wife and daughter.
ELLIOTT, Albert -- 24-Oct-24 -- In loving memory of Albert Elliott, died at Blairmore, Alberta, Oct 24, 1923 - Edda? And Tom.
ELLIOTT, Billy? -- 9-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of little Billy dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Elliott, Hanna Alberta, who died April 10, 1919 (Poem) Mother, Dad, Sister and Brother.
ELLIOTT, Thomas A. -- 14-May-1925 -- In loving memory of Thomas A. Elliott, who died May 14, 1924 - Not forgotten by Mr. And Mrs. T.D. Cox.
ELLIOTT, Thomas A. -- 14-May-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Tom who died May 14, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife and children, dear mother and dad.
ELLIS, Richard Thomas -- 12-Sep-1925 -- In ever loving memory of R.T. Ellis (Tom) who was killed in action Sept 12, 1916, Fondly remembered by his Wife and son.
ELLWOOD, Arthur William -- 27-Aug-1925 -- In affectionate remembrance of Arthur William Ellwood, who died Aug 28, 1922, To memory ever dear - Inserted by his wife and children, also father.
EVANS, Andrew -- 27-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of a loving husband and father, Andrew Evans, who passed away January 27, 1923, and son and brother, Gordon Evans, who passed away January 2, 1924? (Poem) - Mother, Mae, Lily, Gordon, Belle?, Bob and Stewart.
EVANS, Charlotte -- 21-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Charlotte, who passed away April 21, 1923 - Ever remembered Gladys and Bob + Ethle?, (or Ettie), Dorothy, Irv, Shile? And John and little Joyce. + Eisie, Frank, Ethel & Tom
EVANS, Thomas -- 24-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear father, Thomas?, who passed away March 24, 1922 - (Poem) - Gladys and Bob.
FERGUSON, David Cunningham -- 4-May-1925 -- In loving memory of David Cunningham Ferguson, who fell asleep May 4th, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by Grandmother and Auntie.
FILMINGTON, George -- 11-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of George Filmington, who died in the Colonel Belcher hospital, July 12, 1923, (Poem) Wife and daughter.
FISHER, John -- 3-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Trooper John Fisher, 5th Batt. C.E.F. Died of wounds June 3, 1915 (Poem) Fondly remembered by his sister, Mrs. Stan, Johnson.
FITZROY, Charles Henry Lt. MC -- 28-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our beloved son and brother, Lt. Charles Henry Fitzroy and ? 10th Battalion C.E.F., who fell in action at Canbbral 9 a.m., Sept 28, 1918 (Poem) Never forgotten by Mother, Dad, Olga, Ted.
FLORENDINE, Ken -- 31-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Ken, who passed away Dec 31, 1924 - Sadly missed by Daddy, Mom and Maggie.
FLORENDINE, Kenneth -- 31-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear nephew, Kenneth Florendine, who died Dec 31, 1924? - Ever remembered by Uncle, Auntie and Muriel.
FORSYTH, William -- 8-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of Mrs. William Forsyth, who passed away Aug 9, 1924? At Calgary Alberta - Ever remembered to thow dear, Husband sister and Brothers.
FORTUNE, Elizabeth Mary (Betty May) -- 6-Apr-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our little darling, Elizabeth Mary (betty May) who passed away Apr 5, 1922? - daddy & Momma
Frank -- 7-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear boy, Frank who passed away Mar 8, 1920 (Poem) By his Mother and Sisters
FRANKS, Mrs. -- 21-Dec-1925 -- Dec. 20, 1924 In loving memory of dear mother, - Gay and Archie.
FRASER, Isabella -- 10-Dec-1925 -- In loving remembrance of our dear Isabella, who passed away dec 10, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by her sorrowing parents and sisters.
FRASER, Jackie -- 27-Mar-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our beloved brother, Jackie, who died at Leith, Scotland, March 27, 1922 (Poem), Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, Jr. and A. Fraser.
FRASER, L.D. -- 7-Aug-1925 -- In memory of my dear husband, L.D. Fraser, son Leverett, daughter Olive, who left me July 30, 1922 (Poem) Wife and Mother.
FRIZZLE, Donald B. -- 28-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of Donald B. Fizzle, who passed away Sept, 29, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by wife, mother, sister and brother.
GARRISON, Doris -- 10-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of our little Doris, who left us July 10, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed, Mother, Father, sister and Brothers.
GEBBIE, Janet Bart? -- 23-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Janet Bart?, who died in Calgary on May 23, 1921 (Poem) Inserted by her daughter and sister-in-law Mr. And Mrs. John Durnie
GIBB, Jemlma? Mrs. -- 7-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, who died at 720 Fifth street N.W. Calgary, on Feb 7, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by her loving son, Jim.
GIBB, Jemima Mrs. -- 7-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear sister, Jemima Gibb, who died February 7, 1924 at 731 Fifth street, Sunnyaid - Inserted by Mrs. W. Forrest.?
GIBSON, Frank -- 26-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear Daddy Frank, who died December 26, 1923 (Poem) Ever remembered by his wife and babies Sisters, Bess and Nell.
GILMOUR, Robert -- 19-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Robert Gilmore, Killed at Wayne, November 19, 1934 (Poem) Inserted by Mr. and Mrs.. James Young.
GLOVER, Elizabeth -- 5-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Glover, who passed away on Mar 6, 1921 - Mrs. And Mrs. J. McRae.
GLOVER, John -- 5-May-1925 -- In loving memory of John Glover died May 5th, 1923 - Ever remembered by Mr. And Mrs. J. Donaldson? And family.
GOLDSWORTHY, Charles Henry -- 30-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dearly beloved son, Charles Henry, who fell asleep Nov 30, 1924 (Poem)
GOLDSWORTHY, Charles Henry -- 30-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear brother, Charlie, who fell asleep Nov 30, 1924 - Sadly missed by brother and sister.
GOODMAN, Frederick G. -- 18-Nov-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Frederick G. Goodman, who passed away at Exshaw, Alta., Nov 18, 1918 - Ever remember by his wife and daughter, Mrs. M. Goodman and Mrs. F. Jeffery.
GORTON, Daisy -- 18-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of daisy, beloved sister of Fred Stevens, died Nov. 18, 1920 (Poem)
GRAFTON, Emily -- 8-Jan-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Emily, daughter of George and Margaret Grafton, who died Jan 8, 1923? - To memory ever dear
GRAHAM, Martha A. (wee Ada) -- 22-Sep-1925 -- In sad and loving memory of our darling child, Martha A. (wee Ada), who passed away on September 22, 1924 (Poem) - Sadly missed by Daddy, Momma and Sister.
GRAY, Kathleen -- 29-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear Kathleen (Mrs. Donald Branston, Gray), who passed on June 29, 1924 - Mother and Bella
GRAY, May Alberta -- 22-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling May Alberta Gray, who passed away Aug 22, 1923 (Poem) Mamma and Sister Virginia
GREEN, Harold Kenneth -- 12-Mar-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear son, Harold Kenneth who passed away at Ar?day, Alberta, on March 12, 1924?, - Father, Mother, Archie and Billy.
GREEN, Jimmy -- 24-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of little Jimmy, aged 9? Years son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard green, 335? Twelfth avenue northeast, who died Aug 24, 1924 (Poem)
GREEN, William -- 31-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear father, William Green, who passed away July 31, 1918 - Sadly missed by his loving Wife and Children.
GUDMUNDSON, J. Mrs. -- 16-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of mother, Mrs. J. Gudmundson, who passed away Feb 16th?, 1921? - Ever remembered by her Husband and family.
GUREVITCH, Sammie -- 5-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory o my dear child, Sammie, who departed this life on Aug 6, 1923 (Poem) Sadly missed by Father, Mother and Brother.
HALEY, Alfred Pte -- 24-Aug-1925 -- Miss Haley places a wreath on the grave of her brother, Pte. Alfred Hadley, of the 50th Bn. C.E.F. a scene at the Memorial Day ceremonies on Sunday - Photo in paper
HARRIS, Bert -- 17-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear little Bert, who fell asleep Oct 17, 1924 (Poem) Deeply mourned by Mother, Dad, Sister and Brother.
HASKINS, Jane -- 19-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Jane Haskins, who passed away June 19, 1923 (Poem) Sadly missed by Husband and Family. + Lou and Virginia Gray.
HAXTON, Hugh -- 17-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband and father, Hugh Haston, who passed away, Jan 17, 1920? (Poem) Inserted by Wife and Family.
HEALTH, Alice -- 13-Mar-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Alice Maud Heath, who passed away March 13, 1922 (Poem)
HEIGH, Jean Davidson -- 26-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear, beloved sister, Jean Davidson Heigh, who died on Jan 26?, 1921 (Poem) Inserted by her sister Mrs. Hugh Sommerville.
HEIGHTON, Elizabeth -- 5-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Elizabeth beloved wife of Alfred James Heighton, who entered into rest on June 5, 1923?. (Poem) Inserted by her having husband and family.
HENDY, Grace -- 9-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of Grace, beloved wife of R.E. Hendy, Sadly missed by her husband and children, Doris and violet, Fell asleep in Jesus July 9, 1924
HEYS, Albert -- 13-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son, Albert who died May 13, 1924 - Ever remembered by his Mother, dad, sisters and Brothers, Fleetwood Lancashire, England.
HEYS, Albert -- 13-May-1925 -- In loving memory of Albert Heys, who died May 12, 1924, - Aunt and Uncle.
HEYS, Albert -- 13-May-1925 -- On May 13, 1924, in Calgary (result of an accident), Albert the dearly loved husband of Emid Heys, now of 42 Manchester road, Nelson, Lancashire, England, (Poem) From his little daughter, Marjorie
HICKEY, Lillian -- 11-May-1925 -- In loving and affectionate remembrance of Lillian the beloved wife of Richard W. Hickey, who passed away May 11, 1924. (Poem) Sadly missed by her husband and daughter, Mona, R.I.P.
HIGHT, James -- 24-Nov-1925 -- In memory of a loving father, who passed away Nov 24, 1924 (Poem) Gladys, Buddy and Garney
HIGHT, James -- 24-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of James Hight who passed away, Nov 24, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his wife and son, Harry and mother, father, sisters, brothers, England.
HILLYARD, Sadie Perria? -- 17-Jun-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Sadie Perria, beloved and only child of C. and S. Hillyard, who passed away June 17, 1924 (Poem)
HILTON, Doris Emily -- 23-Dec-1925 -- In ever loving memory of doris Emily Hilton, who died Dec 23, 1923 (Poem), Daddy, Mother, Brother and sisters. - 307 Centre street.
HOGG, Ronnie -- 1-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Ronnie Hogg, who passed away Oct 1, 1923 (Poem) From Daddy, Mammy, and Baby Brother.
HOLLIDAY, Mrs. -- 21-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of Mrs. Holliday, who died March 21st, 1924 - Ever remembered by her friends, Mrs. J. Richend?
HONEYCHURCH, Lillie -- 3-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our much-loved daughter, Lillie who died Aug. 2, 1923? (Poem) Inserted by Mr. And Mrs.. T. Honychurch.
HOOPLE, Wesley -- 31-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of our father, who passed away Feb 1, 1922 - Inserted by Ethel and Nellie
HORWOOD, Clifford -- 8-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear son, Clifford Horwood, who died Sept 8, 1921 (Poem) Inserted by his loving Mother, Sisters and Brothers.
HOULTON, William -- 9-Sep-1925 -- In ever loving memory of William Houlton, died suddenly Sept 9, 1922 (Poem) Inserted by his wife, son Billy, and daughter Daisy. + Daisy, Tom and Children + Alice and Henry
HOWARD, John F. -- 26-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear husband and father, who fell asleep Oct 24, 1924 (Poem) Deeply mourned by wife and family.
HUGHES, R. Treorfryn -- 26-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of R. Treorfryn Hughes who died at Canmore, Jan 26, 1915 (Poem) Inserted by his wife and children.
HUNT, T.M. Sergent -- 16-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of my beloved husband, Sergeant T.M. Hunt, who passed away at Calgary, July 16, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife and son.
HUTCHINGS, Larence Henry -- 2-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Pte L.H. Hutchings, Lord Strathcona Horse, late R.N.W.M.P., Calgary, who died of wounds April 2, 1918 - Brother Theo?
IRONSIDE, Mildred (Spooky) -- 13-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of our dearest little daughter, Mildred (Pooky), who fell asleep Feb 13, 1921 aged 11 years (Poem) Sadly missed - Daddy, Mama and sister Edith
IRWIN, Ida Eila -- 6-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Ida Eila Irwin, who passed away on Nov 6, 1921 - Inserted by her daughter, Gertrude, and her son, Russell.
JACKSON, Berthat -- 26-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear child Bertha Jackson, called Home on May 26, 1922 We shall meet again.
JACKSON, Edna May -- 15-Jun-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Edna May Jackson, who passed away on June 15, 192? - daddy, Mamma and Phyllis (Poem)
JACKSON, Margaret Georgina -- 17-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling Margaret Georgina, who passed away September 18, 1923, aged 13½ years. Inserted by Mamma and Daddy.
JOHNSON, Clarence -- 18-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, who passed away March 16, 1923? (Poem) Ever remembered by Father, Mother, sisters and Brothers.
KEAN, Peter -- 29-Aug-1925 -- In loving remembrance of Peter Kean who died Aug 27, 1924 - Ever remembered by his daughter and son.
KEMINES, Billie? -- 24-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son, Billie? Who passed away Nov 24, 1924 (Poem) Mother, daddy and brother.
KENNEDY, Marjorie -- 2-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of Marjorie, Infant daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. K. Kennedy, Died Feb 2, ?, Mother Dad and Charlie.
KERMACK, Alexander -- 2-Jul-1925 -- In affectionate remembrance of my beloved husband. Alexander Kermark, who passed away July 1, 1924 (Poem)
KIRBY, Joseph Henry -- 1-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of Joseph Henry Kirby, died Sept 1, 1925 At rest From his loving wife, son and daughter.
KNIGHT, Frederick Anthony -- 27-Feb-15 -- In ever loving memory ouf our dear Sony? (Sergt.) F.A. Knights, 10th Batl. C.E.F. killed in action Feb 27, 1915. - Mother Father, Brother and Sister.
KNIGHT, Harold G. -- 8-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Harold G. Knight, who passed away April 8, 1924 (Poem) Mother, Brother, Sister.
KRAFT, Charles Pte. -- 9-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Pte. Charles Kraft, killed at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917 (Poem) Ever remembered by Father and
Mother, Brothers and sisters.