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1925 Calgary Daily Herald In Memoriam Postings
LAMB, John G. -- 1-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear Daddy John G. Lamb, who fell asleep May 1st, 1924, 15 1822 Thirty-fourth avenue S.W., Calgary - Inserted by his daughter.
LAMNSDELL, Harriet -- 25-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Harriet Lansdell, who fell asleep Nov 5, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by her youngest daughter, Mrs. W.G. Oliver.
LAMONT, Irene -- 18-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear Irene, who passed away June 18, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed by Mother, Sister and Brother.
LANGLEY, Frank Percy -- 7-Jan-1925 -- In affectionate memory of Frank Percy Langley, who passed away Jan 7, 1918 (Poem) - Inserted by his Father and Mother.
LAYCOCK, Ann -- 30-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Ann Laycock, who passed away April 29, 1922 (Poem) Her loving daughter, Ruth E. Laycock.
LEES, David Corporal -- 26-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Corporal David Lees, killed at Paschendaele, Oct 26, 1917, Buried in Tyneside British cemetery, Zepra. R.I.P. - Inserted by his mother and Brothers.
LEIGH, Jean Davidson -- 23-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear wife, Jean? Davidson, who died on Jan 23, 1921 - Badly missed by her husband, Stewart Leigh
LEIGHTON, Louis William -- 9-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Louis William Leighton, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. T.W. Leighton, 1415 Seventh street west, who died Oct 9, 1924 Father and Mother.
LEMIEUX, Martha -- 19-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of Mrs. Martha Lemieux, who passed away one year ago today. (Poem) Ever remembered, Father, Vera, Bernard, Ray.
LEWIS, Annie -- 28-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear daughter, Annie, who departed Dec 28, 1924 (Poem) Ever remembered by her Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters.
LEWIS, Harold -- 31-Dec-1925 -- In Loving Memory of Harold Lewis who passed away Jan 1, 1925 (Poem) Ever remembered by his wife and children.
LITTLE, Edward Private -- 30-May-1925 -- In loving remembrance of my late husband, Pte. Edward Little, late of the 83rd Batt. Died May 30, 1916 (Poem) Inserted by Mrs. E.C. Nielson
LIVINGSTONE, John Mrs. -- 18-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, who died Feb 17, 1924 - (Poem) - Mrs. John Livingstone.
LIVINGSTONE, John Mrs. -- 27-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling mother, Mrs. John Livingstone, who passed away Jan 26, 191?? (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving daughter, Mrs. George Anderson.
LONGDEN, Doris May -- 18-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Doris May, who died Dec 18, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed by Mother, dad and family.
LONGDEN, Doris May -- 18-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Doris Longden, who died Dec 18, 1924 (Poem) Remembered by Mr. And Mrs. Shoppard.
MaCAULSY, Douglas Haig -- 27-Jun-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our darling son, and brother, Douglas Haig Macauley, who was drowned June 27, 1922 (Poem) Inserted by his Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother.
MACHON, Ernest George Sergeant -- 29-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Sergt. E.G. Machon, 10th Field Co., Canadian Engineers, killed in action at Ypres, Oct 21, 1917.
MacLEOD, Alexander -- 16-Nov-1925 -- In ever loving memory of a dear husband and father, Alexander MacLeod, who died at Calgary, Nov 16, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his widow and family.
MacLEOD, Alexandrea -- 21-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of my wife, Alexandra MacLeod, who died Nov 21, 1924 - Inserted by her husband Alexander MacLeod.
MANSON, Elsie -- 22-May-1925 -- In loving memory of Elsie, who went home May 22?, 1922?, Sweetly remembered by Mother, Sisters and Brother. (Poem)
MARTIN, Edwin -- 12-Feb-1925 -- In loing memory of Edwin Martin who passed away in Calgary, Feb 12, 1918? Lovingly remembered by his wife and children.
MASSENDER, Ralph Clarke -- 3-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear son, Ralph Clarke Massander, Twelfth Canadian Mounted Rifles, Killed in action June 2, 1916, third battle of Ypres. Mother.
MATTEN, Joseph John -- 23-Jun-1925 -- In memory of Joseph John Hatten, late of Ipowich, who died June 23, 1924 aged 89 years. - Ever remembered by niece and nephew, Ella? And Stanley.
MATTHEWS, Frank -- 30-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear sons, Frank aged 30 years, who died at the Colonel Walker School, Calgary October 30, 1918, and Jack aged 25 years who was killed at Creston, BC., Dec 16, 1919 (Poem) Their loving mother.
McCALLUM, Flora -- 26-May-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Flora McCallum, who died May 25?, 1923?, Ever remembered by her daughter, Mrs. D. McCateheon?.
McCULLAGH, Ada Elizabeth Higgs -- 2-May-1925 -- In affectionate remembrance of Ada Elizabeth Higgs, beloved wife of Robert McCullagh, who departed this life May 3rd, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by her loving husband and family.
McGEE, William Donald -- 10-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear son, William Donald McGee, eldest son of Mrs B. McGee, The Wigwam (Poem) Mother, Sisters, and Brother.
McKAY, Willard -- 17-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of dear Willard, who fell asleep Nov 17, 1920 (Poem) Inserted by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers.
McKAY, John A. -- 16-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of John A. McKay, who departed this life Feb 16th 1921 (Poem) Inserted by a loving wife and family.
McKAY, L? G. McKAY -- 21-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Sergt. L? G. McKay, 10th field Co. Canadian Engineers, killed in action at Ypes, Oct 21, 1917.
McKAY, Minnie -- 30-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of Minnie, beloved wife of A. MacKay, who died at Rivers, Man. Sept 30, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by her loving husband and sister, Mrs. Stevenson.
McKENNA, Mary -- 6-Apr-1925 -- In memory of my loving mother Mrs. Mary McKenna, who died April 6, 1924 - Ever remembered by her loving daughter Mrs. Briggs.
McKENNA, Matt -- 16-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Matt killed June 16, 1922, beloved husband and daddy. Mrs. H. McKENNA, Emiy? And Alieen.
McKENNA, Matt? -- 17-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear brother, Matt?, accidentally killed June 16, 1922? (Poem) Ever remembered by Etta?, Annie and Jim.
McKILL, George -- 2-Dec-1925 -- In fragrant memory of George McKill, who passed away Dec 2, 1921 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife, Mrs. Margaret
McKILLOP, D.A. Rev. -- 13-Feb-1925 -- In memory of Rev. D.A. McKILLOP, called to a higher service, February 13, 1923? - Inserted by those who dearly loved him and to whom he so unselfishly ministered.
McSHANE, Hugh (Shaney) -- 17-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our friend, Shaney, who died Nov 17, 1923 - From Jim, Vin and Elzie Griffiths.
McSHANE, Hugh (Shaney) -- 17-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Hugh McShane (dear old Saney), who died Nov 17, 1923 - Ever remembered by Mr. And Mrs.. Duncan and Bessie
McSHANE, Hugh (Shaney) -- 17-Nov-1925 -- In memory of Hugh McShane, who died Nov 17, 1922 - elsie and tom Graham.
McSHANE, Hugh (Shaney) -- 17-Nov-1925 -- Not forgotten - Ted Thomas
MEAD, C.A. -- 5-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of dear mother C.A. Mead, who entered into her eternal rest, Dec 6, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by her son and
MELAS, George -- 2-Feb-1925 -- In memory of Mrs. George Mellas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Phoenix, Los Angeles, Cal., who died at Calgary Feb. 2, 1921. (Poem) Inserted by Father, Mother and family.
MONTEITH, Pat -- 7-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of dear Pat and her darling baby, who passed away Mar 7, 1924. (Poem) Genk?
MOORE, Frank H. -- 17-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Frank H. Moore, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Moore, who passed away April 27, 1921 - Ever remembered by Mother and Dad.+ Inserted by his loving wife and daughter.
MORRISON, W.E. Mrs. -- 1-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Mrs. W.E. Morrison, who died June 2, 1924 - Mourned by her husband and daughter, Mrs. V.A. Lowier.?
MORRS, Gracie -- 16-Apr-1925 -- In ever loving memory of darling Gracie, who died April 16, 1922, age 3 years 9 months (Poem) Ever remembered Elzie?
MOSS, James -- 26-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, James Moss, who passed on September 26, 1924 (Poem) Mrs. J. Moss and Family.
MOWERY, William -- 21-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of William Mowery, who passed to a higher life March 22, 1923 - Lovingly remembered by his wife and children.
MOYES, Robert Clarke Corporal -- 17-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of Corporal Robert Clarke Moyes, 50th Canadian Infantry killed in action Aug 18, 1918, aged 19. (Poem) Inserted by Mother, Jack and Im.
MUCKLOW, James -- 5-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of James Mucklow, who passed away Dec 6th, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed?, lovingly remembered by his wife and children.
MURRAY, Robinson -- 31-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of Robinson Murray, who passed away on Aug 31st, 1924 - Ever remembered by his loving wife and family.
NEILL, Andrew -- 26-Feb-1925 -- In ever loving memory of my dear husband, Andrew Neill, who passed away February 26, 1920 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife
NEILL, Andrew -- 26-Feb-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear brother-in-law, who entered into rest Feb 26, 1920 (Poem) Inserted by sisters and brothers.
NEVARD, Irene -- 28-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C.(or O) Nevard, who passed away Mar 20, 1924 (Poem) Ever remembered by her Mamma, Daddy, Sisters, and Brothers.
O'BRIAN -- 5-May-1925 -- In loving memory of my father, who died here, May 5th, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by Mrs. L. O'Brien
OLIN, Charles William -- 4-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of Charles William Olin (Poem) Inserted by his sisters, Olga and Mabel
OLIN, Willie Ollo -- 4-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of Willie Ollo, who passed away Feb 4, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. A. Carlson and family
OLIVER, Mrs. -- 12-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, who passed away Nov 12, 1924, at Edmonton, Alberta - Ever remembered by her daughter, M. Bradshaw.
OLIVER, Nancy Amelia Mrs. -- 24-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of mother, Mrs. Nancy Amelia Oliver, who passed away Dec 24, 1919 Asleep in Jesus - Ever remembered by her children and friends.
OXLEY, Theo. E. -- 5-Mar-1925 -- Theo. E. Oxley, died Mar t, 1924, in Calgary (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife, Elsie, Vancouver BC (Note Parents mentioned in poem).
PAGE, Bob (Robert) -- 27-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Bob (Robert), who passed away Feb 27, 1924? (Poem) Father Mother, Leslie, Anna? and Bill.
PALMER, Baby Beatrice Maude -- 24-Oct-23 -- In loving memory of our darling baby, beatrice Maude Plamer, who fell asleep October 24, 1924 - Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Brothers and Sisters.
PARKER, Victoria -- 3-Feb-1925 -- In memory of our dear daughter, Victoria Parker, nee Rainer, who passed away Feb 3, 1922 (Poem) From father, mother, sisters and brother Jack.
PATRICK, Monta Dorothy -- 29-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of little Monta Dorothy Patrick, aged four years, who passed away September 29, 1924 (Poem) - Ever remembered by Momma and Daddy and Grandma.
PATTISON, John George -- 3-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Pte. John G. Pattison, V.C. Killed at Vimy Ridge, June 3, 1917.
PAYNE, James -- 12-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear dad, James Payne, late of Calgary, who died at Birmingham, England, Jan 13, 1923 - Ever remembered by his son, wife and Muriel?.
PEACOCK, Doris -- 12-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling daughter and sister, Doris, who fell asleep May 12, 1924 (Poem) Ever remembered by Mother, Dad, Sister and Brothers.
PEACOCK, Doris -- 12-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling sister, Doll who fell asleep May 12, 1924 (Poem) - always missed by her sister and brother, Glad and Erne?
PEARCE, George W. -- 23-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear brother and pal, George W. Pearce, who passed away July 23, 1923 (Poem) Brother, Harry, USA.
PEARCE, George W. -- 23-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of George W. Pearce, who died in Belcher hospital, July 23, 1923 (Poem) Mother, Dad, Brother and Sisters.
PEAREY, Percy -- 28-Sep-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear son, Percy, who died Sept 28, 1922, aged 25 years sadly missed, - Mother, Dad and Family. - + (Poem) Inserted by Annie and Gerald.
PETERSON, George -- 29-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear boy, George, who passed away July 29, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother.
PICKUP, Tommy -- 11-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Baby Tom Pickup, who died June 11, 1923 aged 10 months, Sadly missed by Grandma, Aunt and Uncle.
PICKUP, Tommy -- 11-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling Tommy, who passed away June 11, 1923?, Sadly missed (Poem) - Ever remembered by his Father and Mother, and relatives.
PIERCEY, George -- 18-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Pte. George Piercey, 50th Batt.. Who was killed in action Nov 16, 1916 Ever Remembered
PIPER, Jennie -- 7-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of Jennie Piper, 511 Reveridge building, who passed to a higher life Mar 7, 1924 - (Poem)
PIPER, Jennie -- 7-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling mother, Jennie Piper, who passed away so peacefully on Mar 7, 1924 (Poem) Mr. and Mrs. P. Jones
PIPER, Jennie -- 7-Mar-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Mrs. Jennie Piper, who went home to rest Mar 7, 1924 (Poem) Mrs Laure? Edie and Dolly
PIPER, Minnie -- 4-Feb-1925 -- In loving and tender memory of our dear Minnie, beloved daughter of Mrs. W.M. Piper (nee E. Dancy), who fell asleep Feb 4, 1918 (Poem)
PLACE, George -- 25-Jul-20 -- In loving memory of our dear boy George, who passed away July 25, 1920 (Poem) Inserted by Father, Mother, Maud and Billy.
PORTER, Maud A. -- 26-May-1925 -- In loving memory of Maud A. Porter, who fell asleep May 25, 1923, AGED 49 YEARS (Poem) Inserted by sister Nell and Joe.
PORTER, Maud A. -- 26-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Maud A. Porter, who fell asleep May 25, 1923, aged 49 years. (Poem) Fondly remembered by Gert? And Henry? Patterson, Nellie and Harrey? Porter.
POTTER, Joseph -- 4-May-1925 -- In loving memory of Joseph Potter, who departed this life May 4, 1922?, ever Remembered by wife and children.
POWERS, Georgia C. -- 26-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Georgia C. Powers, who passed away Sep 27, 1924 (Poem) Dora and Frank.
POWERS, Georgia C. -- 26-Sep-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear grandmother, Georgia C. Powers, who passed away, Sept 27, 1924 - Georgia and Harold.
PRINCE, Archie -- 4-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son Archie, killed in action May 4, 1918, Fondly remembered by his mother and dad.
PROCTOR, Mrs. -- 27-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, who passed away May 27, 1928 (Poem) Ever remembered by Mr. Proctor and family.
PRYOR, Mary -- 15-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our loved one, May (Mrs. Pryor), who passed away May 15, 1924, at Carstairs, Alberta - Dearly remembered by her loving Mother, father, Sisters, brothers, nephew, and Nieces, Inserted by Annie and Joe
PRYOR, May -- 15-May-1925 -- In loving and affectionate rememberance of May, the beloved wife of William A. Pryor, who passed away May 15, 1924 (Poem) - Sadly missed by her husband and daughters, Phyillis, Phenetta? And Guennle?.
PURVES, David -- 16-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband, David, who fell asleep June 16, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife and children.
RAFFAN, Emily A. -- 14-Nov-1925 -- In affectionate remembrance of our daughter, Emily A. Raffan, and wife of K.C. Walker, who died at Edmonton November 14, 1924. (Poem) Ever remembered by her husband, K.C. Walker, mother, father, sisters and brother.
RAMFORD, Ann -- 3-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our mother, Ann Ramford, who passed away June 3, 1921 (Poem) - Ever remembered by her loving sons and daughters.
RANKINE, Lily -- 31-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Lily Rankine, who entered into rest on All Saints day, November 1, 1923. (Poem) By Chalie
REEVE, William F. -- 7-Jan-1925 -- Sacred to the memory of William F. Reeve, who died suddenly Jan 7, 1917 - Ever remembered by his mother, brother and sister.
RENAULD, Francis E. -- 9-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear father, Francis E. Renaud, who entered into rest, March 9, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed by widow and family.
RITCHIE, Thomas George Gordon -- 5-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of Thomas George Gordon ritchie, of Chohrane, Alta. Who died Oct 5, 1919? - Fondly remembered by his loving family.
ROBERTSON, Donald Edwin -- 5-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Donald Edwin Robertson, who passed away Nov. 5, 1924 - Mother, Father and Brother.
RODLE, Elizabeth -- 1-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Rodle, who passed away Sept 1, 1923 (Poem) Ever remembered by Ellen, Grace and Jimmie.
ROGERS, James T.B. -- 27-Aug-1925 -- In ever loving memory, James T.B. Rogers, who died Aug 27, 1923 - Ever remembered by his wife and son.
ROSS, C. Maxwell -- 22-May-1925 -- Sacred to the memory of my beloved boy, Charles? Maxwell Ross, who died May 21, 1921?, aged 11 years (Poem) - Mother
ROSS, Margaret M. -- 16-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of my wife, Margaret Madadam? Who died at Glasgow, Scotland Sept 16, 1919 (Ever Remembered) Inserted by her husband, John A. Ross, Auckland, New Zealand.
ROWLAND, Catherine Arvilla -- 22-Oct-15 -- In loving memory of my mother Catherine Arvilla Rowland, who departed this life, October 22, 1915. (Poem) Inserted by her daughter.
ROWLBY, George W. Mrs. -- 5-Feb-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling mother, Mrs. George W. Bowlby, who passed beyond Feb, 5, 1922 (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving husband and family.
SADLER, Arthur -- 16-Oct-1925 -- In ever loving memory of dear Arthur, who passed away Oct 16, 1924 - Inserted by the Family.
SCARISBRICK, Mildres -- 13-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of Mildred Scarisbrick, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Scarisbrick, 2406? First street west, Calgary, who died April 18, 1924 - Father, Mother and Nora
SCIFFERT, Helen? -- 16-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear sister, Helen Sciffert, who was killed June 16, 1922 - Ever remembered by her loving sisters, Frances and Mary.
SCOTT, Alfred Mrs. -- 21-Oct-1925 -- In loving memory of wife and mother of three children, Mrs. Alfred Scott, who departed this life, Oct 21, 1923
SCOTT, G.H. -- 17-Aug-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, G.H. Scott, who fell in action, Aug 17, 1918 - Inserted by Mother and Sisters.
SCOTT, Gordon -- 19-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of Gordon Scott, killed in action Aug 17, 1918 - Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family.
SCOTT, R.H. -- 17-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Mr. R.H. Scott, who passed away Dec 17, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his loving wife and family.
SCULLY, Isabella Masson Munro -- 18-Sep-1925 -- In sacred and fondest memory of Isabella Masson Munro, beloved wife of Denys V.A. Scully, who fell asleep on Monday, 1st of Sept 1922, fortified with all the rites of the Roman Catholic church, and was buried Friday, Sep 22, 1922, in the Roman
Catholic cemetery.
SHANKS, Margaret N. -- 16-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Margaert N. Shanks, who passed to a higher life March 16, 1924? (Poem) Inserted by her daughters, Enich?, Lucila and Florence.
SHARP, Daisy -- 16-Jul-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Daisy, who passed away July 16, 1924 (Poem) Ruby and Bill
SHEPHERDSON, Joseph E. -- 16-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear brother, Joseph E. Shepherdson, died Sept 16, 192? At Hall, England, late of Calgary, - Ever in thought, From Grant and Eve Los Angeles USA.
SHOEBOTHAM, J. Allan -- 18-Apr-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear pal and husband, J.A. Shoebotham, who passed away April 19, 1923? (Poem) Ever remembered by his wife. + Dearly missed by his mother and father. + Brother
SIMPSON, Caroline -- 22-Dec-1925 -- Caroline, in fond and everlasting memory of our dear mother, who departed this life, Dec 22, 1921 - Jessie
SIMPSON, Walter -- 12-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Walter Simpson, who passed away Dec 13, 1923 (Poem) Inserted by Walter Simpson and family.
SINGLETON, Edith -- 17-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear daughter, Edith, who went home, March 17, 1922. (Poem) Inserted by her father and mother, John and Jessie Singleton, 1480? Tenth avenue east Calgary.
SKENE, Frank -- 24-Oct-23 -- In loving memory of my dear father, Frank Skene, who died Oct 25, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by his loving daughter, Catherine Bird.
SMART, George -- 26-Jan-1925 -- In loving memory of George Smart, who passed away Jan 26, 1924 - Ever remembered by his wife and family.
SMITH, Andrew Nesbitt -- 19-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Andrew Nesbitt, beloved son of Andrew and Margaret Smith, who fell asleep Nov 19, 1924 - Sadly missed by Daddy, Mamma and May.
SMITH, Cyril -- 16-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of my darling Cyril who passed away June 16, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed by Mother, Dad and Sister Annette.
SMITH, Ethel -- 29-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Ethel, who passed away June 29, 1920?, beloved wife of L.R. Smith, - Ever remembered by her loving Husband, Dorothy and Ethel.
SMITH-HUCK, Mrs. -- 23-May-1925 -- In memory of our dear mother, who passed away May 24, 1923 (Poem) Nellie and Maude? (Owen sound, Ontario, papers please copy).
SOBUTON, E. -- 31-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of Mrs. E. Sobuton, who entered into rest July 31, 1914 Findly remembered and sadly missed. Her Family
SPENCE, Hilda -- 7-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling hilda, who fell asleep Aug 6, 1922 (Poem) Mother and Dad
SPENCE, Hilda -- 7-Aug-1925 -- In ever loving memory of dear Hilda, who passed away Aug 6, 1922 (Poem) Dorothy, Raymond and Lillian.
SPHANKLIN, Frederick Ernest -- 8-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of Frederick Ernest of the late 10th Battalion, who was killed in action Aug. 8, 1918 (Poem) Ever remembered by his loving mother and sister, Lilly and Mabel.
STEPHEN, Margaret -- 2-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Margaret Stephen, who died July 1, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by Mrs. George Smith, and family and brother, Fred.
STEPHEN, Margaret -- 30-Jun-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear mother and grannie, Mrs. Margaret Stephen, who died July 2, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. Alec Stephen and Doris.
STEPHENS, Henry -- 23-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of Dad who passed away to a better rest, Dec 23, 1924? - Mother and family.
STONE, Glenn -- 6-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of Glenn stone, who was drowned at Drumheller, July 6, 1923? (Poem) Father, Mother, Sister and Brother.
STORMONY, George -- 26-Oct-1925 -- In ever loving memory of George Stormont, who fell in action at Passchendale, Oct 26, 1917, aged 21 years. (Poem) Mother.
STUART, P.C. Pte. -- 4-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of Private P.C. Stuart, killed in action on June 4, 1917. Fondly remembered by his Mother, Brother and Sisters.
STUART, W.J. -- 29-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of W.J. Stuart, who passed away Aug 18, 1924 - Ever remembered by his loving wife and family, from Long Beach, California
STUBBS, Mary Jane -- 23-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear sister, Mary Jane Stubbs, who passed away Dec 23, 1921 (Poem) Ever remembered by her sister and brother.
STUBBS, Mrs. -- 21-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away Nov 21, 1924 (Poem) Sadly missed by the family.
SWINDELLS, Charlott Emma Mahler? -- 17-Aug-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear sister, Charlett Emma Mahlor? Swindells, wife of Joseph H. Swindells, of Calgary Alberta, who died suddenly, august 17, 1924 - Interment Calgary Alberta (Poem) Ever remembered by sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs.
TAYOR, Edwin -- 30-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Edwin Taylor who passed away Nov 20, 1920 (Poem) Ever remembered by his loving wife and children.
TELFER, Margaret -- 1-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Margarea, who passed away June 2, 1923 (Poem) Sadly missed by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Beasley.
THOM, Mrs. -- 23-Jul-1925 -- In loving memory of our loving mother, who passed away July 23, 1924 (Poem) Inserted by Jessie, Clarance and Arthur Ward.
THOMAS, Percy -- 29-Sep-1925 -- In affectionate remembrance of Percy Thomas, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomas, Nineteenth avenue east, killed in action, Sept 29, 1918, Sadly missed, - Father, Mother, Brother and Sisters.
THOMPSON, David S. -- 4-Jun-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, David s. Thomson, late of the 82nd Battalion, Calgary, Killed in action in France, June 4, 1917 - Dearly loved and sadly missed by his Father, and Mother, Sisters and Brother, 325 Second avenue, west, Calgary.
TOMPKINS, E. Mrs. -- 5-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of dear mother, who passed away Dec 5, 1923 (Poem) Ever remembered by Mr. And Mrs. D. SCOTT AND Bert (Seattle, Wash.) And Hilda (Calgary) + Archie and May
TREGELLAS, Ethel Moyes -- 7-Jul-1925 -- In ever loving memory of my dear wife, Ethel Moyes Tregellas, who died July 7, 1922, at Calgary, Alberta (Poem) Fondly remembered by her loving husband.
TURNBULL, Isabella -- 2-Mar-1925 -- In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Isabella Turnbull, who passed away March 2, 1918. (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving husband and family.
TURNER, Hazel -- 24-Oct-23 -- In loving memory of my wife, Hazel, who passed away Oct 25, 1924 (Poem) Lloyd Turner.
TYLER, Herbert James -- 22-Jul-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Herbert James Tyler, who fell asleep July 22, 1923 aged nine years. (Poem) Mother, father and Brother.
TYSON, Margaret Agnes -- 3-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear wife, Margaret Agnes Tyson, who died March 3, 1923 - From her loving husband and children, Albert Park, Calgary.
WAIT, Douglas Edgar -- 20-Mar-1925 -- In loving memory of Douglas Edgar beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Wait who died March 20, 1922 (Poem) Inserted by his Mother and Father.
WALKER, Willard J. -- 13-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Willard J. Walker, who died Nov 13, 1922 Ever remembered - Inserted by M. Longbotham
WEBB, Archie -- 15-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear son, Archie Webb, who passed away at 917 fifth street northwest, on May 15, 1923. (Poem) Sadly missed by his Mother and Dad.
WHEATLEY, Margaret -- 5-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Margaret Wheatley, who died November 5, 1922, aged 50 years, (Poem) Ever remembered by her family, Inserted by her daughter, Mrs. J. Butt.
WICK, Mabel -- 4-Sep-1925 -- In loving memory of our dear little Mabel, who passed away Sept 4, 1924, aged nine years. (Poem)
WILLEY, Norman -- 29-Jun-1925 -- In ever loving memory of Norman Willey, who was drowned June 29, 1922 (Poem) - Sadly missed by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brother.
WILLIAMS, Betty -- 18-Dec-1925 -- In sad and loving memory of darling Betty, who passed away two years ago today (Poem) Mother, Brothers and Sisters.
WILLIAMS, Dave -- 19-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of Dave Williams, who died Nov 19, 1920 - Inserted by his wife and children.
WING, Annie Louise -- 23-Dec-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling mother, Annie Louise, who died December 23, 1924 (Poem) Ever remembered by her loving daughters, Effie, Hazel and Wyadaiene?
WINTON, Tommy -- 15-May-1925 -- In loving memory of our darling Tommy, who passed away May 15, 1924, sadly missed (Poem) Ever remembered by his father and mother and his two sisters.
WOODLEY, Mr. -- 9-Mar-1925 -- In ever loving memory of dear dad, who passed away March 9, 1924 (Poem) From his loving wife and family.
WOOLLEY, John -- 16-Nov-1925 -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Woolley, who passed away Nov 10, 1923 - Ever remembered by his loving wife and family.
WOOSTER, William G. -- 7-May-1925 -- In loving memory of my dear husband William G. Woolsley, who entered into rest May 7, 1918. - Clara Wooster.
WORSLEY, Edward -- 26-Feb-1925 -- passed away Feb 26, 1924 Edward Worsley, Beloved son of Agnes and James E. Worsley
YOUNG, Peter -- 22-May-1925 -- In loving and affectionate remembrance of Peter the beloved husband of Clementine Young, who passed away May 22, 1924? (Poem) Sadly missed by Wife and sons.