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Agnes Foland
Tragically on Sunday, June 16, 2002 at Colorado Springs, Colorado, Agnes (Jerri) Joyce Foland (nee French) of Swan Lake First Nation passed away at the age of 38.
Agnes leaves to mourn her passing her children, Krista and Peter, mother, Mary French, sisters, Alice, Alvina (Dennis), Florence (Kelly), Kathy, Judy (James), Carolyn (David), Shelley (Kevin), brothers, Ed, Tom (Linda), Brian (Angie) and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and friends. She was predeceased by her father, Thomas Walker, one brother, Tony, paternal grandparents, Frank and Maggie Walker and maternal grandparents, Jim and Maizie French.
Agnes (Jerri) was born and raised in Glenboro, Manitoba. Following her father's passing, the family relocated to Swan Lake First Nation. It was during this sad time in her young life that she was one of eight children apprehended from the French family. The Kinney family from Minneapolis, Minnesota later adopted Agnes and two other siblings. During the 80's Agnes returned home and was reunited with her birth family. The family remembers her as enjoying life to the fullest and always had a smile for everyone. She showed great devotion and caring to her nieces and nephews. Agnes enjoyed participating in sports particularly baseball and also showed an interest in the trades of carpentry and mechanics. Following her return to the USA she graduated from Grade 12, enlisted in the US Navy and completed with an honorable discharge. Agnes was also accepted into the Police Academy in Denver, Colorado.
It is with sadness and sorrow that the family wishes to announce that Agnes will be brought home to Swan Lake First Nation on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 4:00 pm. A traditional wake will follow at Swan Lake First Nation Community Hall. Funeral Service will be held Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 2:00 pm. Interment will follow at Indian Springs Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Red Cross "In Memory of Agnes Joyce Foland" c/o Adam's Funeral Home, Box 218, Notre Dame, MB R0G 1M0.
The family thanks everyone for their kindness, caring and support. Your compassion and assistance during this time is greatly appreciated. A special thank you to Detective Shawn Mandell of the Colorado Police Department and Adam's Funeral Home.
George (Fred) Pilloud
Peacefully at the St. Claude Hospital on Friday June 7, 2002, Fred Pilloud of St. Claude, Manitoba passed away at the age of 77 years.
He leaves to mourn 2 brothers: Charles (Rose) and Lawrence, one sister Esther Rey, one sister-in-law Emma Pilloud and numerous nieces and nephews, relatives and friends. He was predeceased by his parents Olivier and Evalena (nee Lee), one brother Henri, one sister-in-law Laurel Pilloud and by one brother-in-law Andre Rey.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated in the St. Claude Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday June 11, at 3 p.m. with Father Armand Le Gal officiating. Interment to follow in the Parish Cemetery.
As an expression of sympathy, memorial donations may be made to the Manitoba Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the St. Claude Hospital.
Adam's Funeral Home of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba in care of arrangements.
William Robert (Bill) Ambrose
Peacefully at his residence on Saturday June 1, 2002, Mr. Bill Ambrose of Rathwell, Manitoba passed away at the age of 87 years.
Bill is survived by his loving wife of 60 years Edith (nee Veir); children Patricia (Milt), Rodney (Mariam), Linda (Ken), Donald and Diane (Lawrence); 12 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren who are from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland. He is also survived by his sister Doris (Owen), his brothers Art (Edith), George (Eunice) and Glen along with their families and his sister-in-law Dora Meakin and numerous nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by his father William in 1968 and his mother Alice in 1980.
Born in Cabri, Saskatchewan on August 4, 1914 he developed early lifetime interest in automobiles and in music. He practiced the trade of automobile and heavy machinery mechanic in several Manitoba locations before settling with his family in Rathwell in 1948. Enjoying his years in Rathwell, he was on call seven days a week, at all hours, through planting, haying and harvest should a machine go down.
His passion was music being an accomplished musician, playing the violin, saxophone, clarinet and various other instruments. With his family based orchestra, Rhythm Rangers, he played many socials and weddings throughout south central Manitoba. In his later years Bill enjoyed his winters in Mesa, Arizona with his violin at his side.
The Lord took Bill under his arm in 1952. Proud of his 50 year association with Alcoholics Anonymous, the numerous friends he made there who made life easier and to those whom he was able to give guidance and counsel to.
The Lord was gentle in his calling, "Sit down and sleep Bill", He said; and he did, peaceful at rest.
The family wishes to thank all the friends and neighbors who have generously given their time, care and consideration to Mom and Dad throughout the past couple of years, and especially in the past few months. They would also like to thank the nurses and the staff at the Treherne District Hospital for all their care, concern and effort on behalf of Mom and Dad earlier this year.
With respect for Bill's wishes, cremation has taken place. Memorial Services will be held in the Rathwell Memorial Hall on Thursday June 6, at 2 p.m. with Reverend Jim Haupt officiating. Interment to follow at Woodlands Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made, in Bill's memory, to a charity of choice.
Adam's Funeral Home of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba in care of arrangements.
Paisiblement, le vendredi 31 mai, au centre de santé Riverview, est décédé Josaphat Le Néal à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse bien-aimée de 56 ans, Annette (née Bosc), trois enfants, Carole (Jean-Claude Farge), Gilbert (Betty Scott) et Jocelyne (Richard Fukasawa), deux petits-enfants, Philippe et Robert Le Néal, un frère, Yves (Marie-Rose Deshayes), ainsi que de nombreux beaux-frères, belles-sœurs, neveux, nièces, petits-neveux et petites-nièces.
Le défunt a été précédé dans la tombe par sa mère, Marie-Josèphe (née Robert) en 1927, son père Joseph en 1966, ses deux sœurs Marie-Josèphe en 1901 et Joséphine (Jean-Baptiste Deroche) en 1939, et six frères : Raymond en 1922, Alphonse en 1923, Pierre en 1936, Joseph (Joan Schroh) en 1975, Jean (Thérèse Pelé) en 1998 et Augustin (Florence Langham) en 1999.
Josaphat est né le 14 avril 1913 à Ste Amélie, Manitoba, où ses parents s'installèrent en 1909, quatre ans après avoir émigré de la Bretagne. La famille déménagea à St Claude en 1919, où elle avait passé quatre ans en arrivant au Canada, puis s'établit sur une terre à Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes en 1922. Josaphat s'engagea comme ouvrier dans les fermes des environs jusqu'à ce que la crise des années 30 l'incite à chercher fortune ailleurs. Ainsi, entre 1935 et 1942, il a successivement été employé comme infirmier dans un hôpital de Sudbury, comme opérateur de foreuse à diamant en Abitibi et à Kirkland Lake et comme bûcheron dans la région de Beardmore, en Ontario, pendant la construction de la route trans-canadienne. Il a également travaillé dans des silos-élévateurs à Port Arthur (Thunder Bay) et participé à la construction d'aérogares à Weyburn et à Estevan, en Saskatchewan.
Revenu à Lourdes en 1942, Josaphat travailla pour quelques agriculteurs, y compris Rémy Bosc, dont il épousa la fille Annette le 30 juillet 1946. Peu après son retour, il acheta un garage et une entreprise de transport routier, le transfert de Lourdes, en partenariat avec son beau-frère Jean-Baptiste Deroche. En 1949, il décida de se lancer à son propre compte. D'abord détaillant de machines agricoles Oliver, il a ensuite obtenu une agence de Motor Sales, le fabricant des voitures Morris, puis fit construire un garage en 1953 et devint distributeur des produits pétroliers North Star, maintenant commercialisés sous la marque Shell. En 1957, il obtint une concession de General Motors pour les automobiles Pontiac-Buick et les camions GMC.
Ayant vendu son garage en 1974, il passa les 16 premières années de sa retraite à Lourdes, où il partagea son temps entre la pêche, le jardin et les rencontres avec ses copains au Capricorne. Josaphat et Annette s'établirent à St Vital en 1990 après qu'il ait subi un accident vasculaire cérébral l'année précédente. Il a été atteint d'un cancer de l'estomac au printemps de 2002.
Josaphat a toujours été très actif dans la communauté. Il a notamment été président du conseil du village de Lourdes avant son incorporation et a mené à exécution le projet de son ami Marcel Boulic, ancien membre de l'Assemblée législative manitobaine, de construire un foyer à Lourdes, le Foyer Notre-Dame.
Josaphat avait la bosse du commerce, mais son succès en affaires tient également à une énergie quasi inépuisable, une très grande éthique du travail, un caractère sociable, une intelligence vive et une bonne dose de débrouillardise. Taquin et doté d'un sens de l'humour bien à lui, il était très attachant et affectionnait particulièrement les rencontres de famille.
La famille tient à remercier les responsables du programme de soins du jour du YM/YWCA de St Vital, auquel Josaphat a participé pendant 11 ans, de même que l'équipe de soins palliatifs à domicile et le personnel du centre Riverview.
Les prières auront lieu en l'église St Eugène, située au 1007, chemin St. Mary's, le lundi 3 juin à 19 h 30, et les funérailles seront célébrées par l'abbé Marcel Toupin en l'église catholique de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes le mardi 4 juin à 14 h, suivies de l'inhumation au cimetière paroissiale.
En lieu et place de fleurs, on peut faire un don à la société manitobaine du cancer ou à la fondation manitobaine des maladies du cœur.
Les arrangements funéraires ont été confiés au salon mortuaire Adam de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes.
Contre l'angoisse de la mort
Peacefully, on Friday, May 31, at the Riverview Health Centre, Josaphat Le Néal passed away at the age of 89. He will be fondly remembered by his loving wife of 56 years, Annette (née Bosc), three children, Carole (Jean-Claude Farge), Gilbert (Betty Scott) and Jocelyne (Richard Fukasawa), two grand-children, Philippe and Robert Le Néal, one brother, Yves (Marie-Rose Deshayes), as well as numerous brothers- and sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, great-nephews and great-nieces.
He was predeceased by his mother Marie-Josèphe (née Robert) in 1927, his father Joseph in 1966, his two sisters Marie-Josèphe in 1901 and Joséphine (Jean-Baptiste Deroche) in 1939, and six brothers: Raymond in 1922, Alphonse in 1923, Pierre in 1936, Joseph (Joan Schroh) in 1975, Jean (Thérèse Pelé) in 1998 and Augustin (Florence Langham) in 1999.
Josaphat was born on April 14, 1913 in Ste. Amélie, Manitoba, where his parents settled in 1909, four years after having emigrated from Brittany. In 1919, the family moved to St. Claude, where they had spent four years upon arriving in Canada, then took up residence on a farm in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes in 1922. Joe hired himself out on several local farms until the Great Depression prompted him to seek employment outside the province. Between 1935 and 1942, he successively worked as an orderly in a Sudbury hospital, a diamond driller in Kirkland Lake and the Abitibi region of Quebec, part of a crew clearing land for the construction of the TransCanada highway around Beardmore, Ontario, and in grain elevators in Port Arthur (Thunder Bay). He also participated in the construction of airport facilities in Weyburn and Estevan, Saskatchewan.
Returning to Notre-Dame in 1942, Joe again did a stint as a farm laborer. One of his employers was Rémy Bosc, whose daughter Annette he married on July 30, 1946. Shortly after his return to Manitoba, he went into business with his brother-in-law Jean-Baptiste Deroche, operating a garage and running the Notre-Dame transfer. In 1949, he decided to go it alone. He established an Oliver farm machinery dealership, became a retailer of Morris cars, then built his own garage in 1953 and also became a distributor of North Star petroleum products, now marketed by Shell. In 1957, he opened a GM dealership, selling the Pontiac-Buick line of cars as well as GMC trucks.
Joe sold his garage in 1974 and spent the first 16 years of his retirement in Notre-Dame, where he divided his time between fishing, gardening and catching up on the news with his friends at the Capricorne café. Joe suffered a stroke in 1989 and moved to St. Vital with Annette in 1990. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer in the spring of 2002.
Always very active in the community, Joe served as president of the Town Board before Notre-Dame was incorporated and carried out the project of his friend and former MLA Marcel Boulic to build a senior citizens home in Notre-Dame.
A born businessman, Joe also owed his success to his boundless energy, strong work ethic, sociable character, resourcefulness and sharp intelligence. With his own special brand of humor, he was very endearing, loved to tease and particularly enjoyed family gatherings.
The family would like to thank those in charge of the seniors' day care program at the St. Vital YM/YWCA, which Joe attended for 11 years, as well as the palliative home care workers and the staff at the Riverview Health Centre.
Prayers will take place at the St. Eugène Church, 1007 St Mary's Road, on Monday, June 3 at 7:30 p.m. Funeral service will be held in the Notre-Dame Catholic Church on Tuesday, June 4 at 2 p.m., with Father Marcel Toupin officiating, followed by internment at the local cemetery. Funeral arrangements handled by Adam's Funeral Home of Notre-Dame. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to CancerCare Manitoba or the Manitoba Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Adam's Funeral Home of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba in care of arrangements.
Louis Chapellaz
Peacefully, with his family by his side, Louis Chapellaz of St. Claude, Manitoba passed away at the St. Boniface Hospital on Saturday May 25, 2002, at the age of 80 years.
He leaves to mourn his passing his loving wife Yvette; sons Roger (Marlene), Robert (Odette), daughters Linda Barwick (James), Doreen Jenkinson (Jim); grandchildren Ronald (Nicole), Marc (Allison), Micheline Prosser (Chad), Lynne Krantz (Craig), Jordan and Randi Barwick; and great-grandchildren Bailey and Ashley Prosser, Brody Chapellaz and Ainsley Chapellaz, and a daughter-in-law Elaine Gaultier. He also leaves to mourn his sisters Cecile Lambert and Gabrielle Bazin (Romain), along with numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
He is predeceased by two infants and son Donald, also 3 infant brothers and brother-in-law Noe Lambert.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated in the St. Claude Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday May 29, at 10:30 a.m. with Father Rodrigue Bouchard officiating. Cremation to follow with Interment in the Parish Cemetery.
Flowers gratefully accepted or donations may be made to the St. Claude Pavillion or to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Adam's Funeral Home of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba in care of arrangements.
Madeleine Vuignier (née Chappellaz)
Madeleine Vuignier est décédée à l'hôpital de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes le 18 mai 2002 après 11 mois et demi de maladie, à l'âge de 47 ans.
Elle laisse dans le deuil son mari Denis, ses fils Norman et Gilles, ses beaux-parents Marie et Adélard Vuignier, son beau-frère Robert (Kim LeFloch, leurs enfants Joey, Liane et Janelle), deux belles-soeurs, Claudette (Steve) et Murielle (Normand Rosset), trois frères et trois soeurs, Raynald (Gisèle), Hubert (Lilliane Deroche), Claude (Lucille Poirier), Rachelle (Pierre Lemoine), Rolande (Guy Comte) et Nicole (Hubert Deroche), de grandes amies, dont Gilberte Picton (Edmond), Lorraine Collet (Jean) et Tracey Bibault (Alphonse), et plusieurs neveux, nièces, oncles et tantes, dont sa marraine et son parrain Cécile et Georges Choiselat.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated in Notre Dame Roman Catholic Church on Thursday May 23, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. with Father Rodrigue Bouchard officiating. Interment to follow in the Parish Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Notre Dame Foyer or to the Notre Dame Hospital, Box 190, Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB R0G 1M0.
Adam's Funeral Home of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba in care of arrangements.
Entouré de l'amour de sa nombreuse famille, Marcel Deroche est décédé le dimanche 5 mai, 2002 à l'Hôpital Notre-Dame de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes à l'âge de 74 ans. Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse bien-aimée Lorraine (Aminot), ses enfants et quatorze petits enfants : Diane (Guy, Jolyne, Réjean) Roch, Lilliane (Hubert, Stéphane, David) Chappellaz, Jacqueline (Roger, Jude, Rhéanne) Vermette, Patricia (Claude, Justin, Matthieu) Vuignier, Guy (Nicole, Josée, Caleb), Eileen (Dan, Chloë, Céleste) Dorge, et Gérald (Colette, Ian et Julien).
Il laisse également son frère André (Helen), sa belle-mère, Joséphine Aminot ainsi que ses beaux-frères et belles-sœurs : Doris Rusk, Lucille Vermiere, Ronald (Simone) Aminot, Fernand (Jeannette) Aminot, Rita (Normand) LeFloch, Jeannette (André) Durand, Suzanne (Charles) Durand, Lionel (Diane) Aminot, Paul (Clémence) Aminot et Paulette (Norman) Bérard, ainsi que de nombreux neveux et nièces.
Il est précédé dans le deuil par ses parents, Jean-Baptiste et Joséphine (LeNéal) Deroche, sa belle-mère, Jeanne Galliot-Deroche, et son frère Lionel Deroche, son beau-père Jean Aminot, ses beaux-frères Gilbert Aminot et Jules Vermiere, une nièce, Brenda Durand et un neveu, Laurie Durand.
Marcel a grandi à Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes et c'est à l'âge de 11 ans qu'il perdit sa mère. Jeune homme, il entreprit de conduire le transfert avant de commencer à travailler dans l'entreprise familiale, Notre Dame Motors, avec son père, jusqu'à la mort de ce dernier, où il en devint propriétaire. Avec son épouse Lorraine, il éleva une nombreuse famille et bâtit son entreprise pour la transmettre à ses fils à sa retraite.
Au village, il a également laissé sa marque; conseiller au premier conseil du village, au conseil du manoir et celui de l'hôpital, premier chef de la brigade à feu, et Chevalier de Colomb, son dévouement à sa communauté se fit connaître.
Il fut un père et un grand-père exceptionnel et su transmettre à ses enfants et à ses petits-enfants les valeurs de l'unité familiale, du travail et de l'amour. Il aimait être entouré de sa famille et sera toujours pour elle son ancre. Sa présence, sa force et son bon sens d'humour lui manqueront beaucoup.
Incinération aura eu lieu. Des prières seront récitées à la chapelle funéraire Adam le mardi 7 mai 2002 à 20 h. Le service religieux aura lieu le mercredi 8 mai 2002 à 14 h à l'église catholique de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes. Au lieu de fleurs, les personnes intéressées sont invitées à faire un don à l'Hôpital Notre-Dame de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes.
Les arrangements ont été confiés au Salon Mortuaire Adam.
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