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Prince Edward Island, Canada Obituaries and Death Notices Collection - PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND - Various - Miscellaneous Obituaries - 35

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Date: Monday, 25 November 2024, at 12:30 a.m.

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MISENER - Peacefully at Beach Grove early on October 18, 1997, with family around her, our mother Eleanor Jean (Gurney) Misener went to her eternal home.
Raised by her grandparents in West Covehead, she attended the local school, Methodist Church and took music lessons.
On March 24, 1915 at Zion Church she married Abner (Bert) Misener, moving to Stanhope where she made her home raising 11 children, caring for her grandmother and father-in-law until their deaths.
She was a member of the Stanhope, WI, attended and played the organ at Stanhope United Church. She was postmistress at Stanhope for 2 years and made this service available to residents at their convenience.
She welcomed all into her home and the teapot was always ready.
She spent many winters in Ontario returning home for the summer months prior to moving to 501 Queen St. where she resided until her healt failed.
After an extended hospital stay in October, 1994 she moved Beach Grove. This was a great trauma in her life but she soon became friends with the staff, interested in their families and was content in their loving care.
Having family to visit was the highlight of any day, especially her daughter-in-law Leona who visited daily.
She was in contact with all family and friends by telephone, especially her best friend Mildre Haley.
Her memory was excellent and she was interested in all world events, especially the Fishery and local Politics.
Now united with the family who predeceased her: beloved husband Bert 1965; sons Alla 1958; John Elliott 1967; Thomas 1978; Elmer 1984; Lorne Leroy 1986.
Daughters Mary Etta 1972, Susan Jan 1996, Grandson Lome 1989; sons-in-law David 1984, Donald 1995, Daughter-in-law Joyce 1997.
She leaves to mourn her son Linus (Barbara), daughters Anna, Edith (Ron), Laura (John) as well as 38 grandchildren; 94 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren and her many friends.
Her service of remembrance took place at West Covehead United Church with interment in Stanhope Cemetery with Rev. Hutcheson and Rev. McNally presiding.

STEWART - The death occurred at the P.E.l. Atlantic Baptist Nursing Home of Elizabeth (Bessie) Jane (Russell) Stewart on September 5, 1998 in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the late Bruce A. Stewart.
She was born in Ebenezer on April 29, 1908 the daughter of the late Margaret (Maclnnis) and Alexander Russell and was the last surviving member of her family. She was predeceased by her husband and infant daughter Aletha, brothers Harold and Alec and sister Mamie Russell.
She and Bruce were married on February 3, 1936. They moved to the family farm in Brookfield where they resided until moving to Charlottetown in 1965. They purchased a home on Gower St. in Parkdale and lived there until 1983. Following Bruce's passing she moved to Duvar Court. In 1991, due to ill health, she entered Andrews Residence and resided there until moving to the P.E.I. Atlantic Baptist Nursing Home in 1994.
Mom's compassion inspired her to seek employment at Beach Grove Nursing Home and the Home for the Aged. She was a member of the Brookfield Presbyterian church, W.M.S. and Brookfield WI.
Left to cherish the memory of a wonderful mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother are her son Allison (Iva) Stewart, daughter Alice (Blythe) Rodd, three loving grandchildren, Amanda Stewart, Dean Rodd and Sherri Talbot; and three great-grandchildren, David Rodd, Stefan and Halleigh Talbot; sister-In-law Laura Russell.
The funeral was held from the Cutcliffe Funeral Home on September 8, 1998 and was conducted by Rev. Mark Buell of the Brookfleld Presbyterian Church. The Organist was Mildred MacLean, with Gaye Hood as Soloist.
Honorary Pallbearers were Jim Crabbe, Beaumont Newport, Sterling MacLeod and Emmerson MacLeod. Active Pallbearers were: Bob Perry, Clifford Dollar, Garfield MacPhee, Garth MacPhee, Blythe Rodd, Dean Rodd and Wendell Sentner.
Interment took place in Brookfield Presbyterian Cemetery with Rev. Mark Buell conducting the graveside service.
We give thanks to God for Mom's long life, for her loyalty, strength of character, wisdom, love and friendship.
We love you, Your Family, Alice & Blythe, Allison & Iva and Families

LEPAGE - PEI Gazette Weds., 6 May, 1818, page 4
MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT - It is with extreme regret we have to record the death of Mr. WILLIAM LEPAGE, of this town; four day sail from Plymouth they fell in with a vessel in distress which they took in tow, the Cable of which parted and he was unfortunately killed by the recoil.
He was a promising youth, a kind companion, and a young man very generally respected here.
He has left an inconsolable mother, and many relatives to lament his irreparable loss.

SIDNEY B. ENMAN - 1913 - 2002 - The death occurred at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Friday, July 19, 2002, of Sidney B. Enman, veteran of the Second World War, of 310 North River Rd., Charlottetown and formerly of Enmore, aged 88 years.
Beloved husband of Doris (nee Ellis).
Son of the late Theophilus and Eliza (MacLennan) Enman.
Dear father of Jean (Donald) Dawson of New Haven and Robin (Jean) of Enmore.
Loving grandfather of four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Brother-in-law of Margaret Ellis of Northam and Eileen Mitchell of Barrie, Ont.
Predeceased by sisters Annie (Roland) Bryant and Mae (Charles) Frost.
Resting at Ferguson's Tyne Valley Funeral Chapel for visiting hours Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
Funeral Monday at Victoria West United Church with service at 2 p.m.
Interment in People's Cemetery in Victoria West.
Officers and members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 22, Ellerslie, will hold a remembrance service at the funeral home Sunday at 6: 45 p.m.
Memorial donations to the People's Cemetery Fund would be appreciated.

Teresa (MacIsaac) MacDonald - November 30, 1885 - March 28, 1947
On March 28, 1947, a deep shadow of sorrow and gloom hung over the inhabitants of Souris Line Road entirely enveloping the whole community with its depressing folds and filling the hearts of all with grief. "The will of the Great Creator hath been done and one of our loved ones hath been called from amongst us to her bright long happy home beyond the skies."
Teresa, as she was familiarly known, was born on Souris Line Road, a daughter of the late Donald A. MacIsaac and Annie Ford, lived all her life on Souris Line Road except one year in the U.S.A. forty years ago. She was possessed of a depth of character and a fineness which the vicissitudes of life could not mar nor dull.
All through her life she was noted for her kindness and hospitality. In her home, friends and neighbors always found a hearty welcome. She will be greatly missed in the community where her efforts were always freely given. Also her church has lost a true and faithful member, although the deceased was not in her usual good health for some months the end came very suddenly surrounded by her loved ones and a few neighbors.
During her illness she was frequently visited by her pastor, Msgr. Murphy and assistant Fr. Murnaghan, who administered the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church when her soul went forth to meet its Maker, leaving many a friend to cherish her memory, and condole with the bereaved husband and family.
The funeral which was largely attended, was held from her home Monday morning, March 31, to St. Mary's Church, Souris, where Requiem High Mass was sung by Fr. Murnaghan, thence to the adjoining cemetery where the remains of a loving wife, mother, and sister will rest until the final day.
Left to mourn their loss are her husband, Hugh A., a retired C.N.R. section foreman, three sons, Don, at home, Bernie and Charlie settled near by; four daughters, Frances, at home, who tenderly assisted in caring for her mother in her last illness; Anna, Mrs. Charles Ryder, Saugus, Mass.; Mildred, Mrs. Cyrene Steele, New York; Viola, Montreal, who were all home for the funeral.
Five brothers, Peter A., Souris Line Road, John J. Roslindale, Mass., Ronald J., Jersey City, Matthew, California, Archibald, who predeceased her five years ago.
The pallbearers were Harry Leslie, Cyril MacDonald, Blaine MacVarish, Lorne Keays, Joe MacAulay, Hubie MacAulay.
There is a long list of Mass Cards and of Messages of Sympathy.

MCISAAC - Islander Fri., 14 May, 1852, page 3 - DIED
At St. Peters Bay, on Friday morning the 7th instant, Mr. Angus McIsaac, aged 103 years.
The deceased was a native of Invernesshire, Scotland, and emigrated to the Island in the year 1791, at which period the Island was in an uncultivated state and very few inhabitants, and must have been distressing to procure the means of subsistance.
He has been esteemed for his hospitable qualities - for succouring the hungry and weary traveller, and sheltering the friendless stranger.
He has lived in the utmost peace and harmony with all his neighbors and acquaintances, and has left a great many friends behind to mourn his decease and walked the distance of four miles a short time before his death.

WEEKS, Mrs. Elizabeth - Charlottetown Guardian, July 4, 1941 page 7
Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Weeks - There passed away on Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Heber Corbet, Alberton, Mrs. Elizabeth Weeks, wife of the late Albert Weeks of South Kildare.
Mrs. Weeks was most highly esteemed in this district and will be kindly remembered by her many friends, both in Kildare and Alberton.
Besides her daughter, Mrs. Heber Corbett and her son, Carl at South Kildare where she formerly resided, several sons and daughters are left to mourn.
The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from the residence of her son, Carl and was very largely attended.
Mr. Patterson of Bloomfield conducted the service.

MURPHY (nee MCCAFFREY) - Patriot 21 Jan., 1933, page 5
MRS. JOHN R. MURPHY - There passed away at Shamrock, on Wednesday, Jan. 11th, Mrs. John R. Murphy, at the advanced age of 84 years.
The deceased who was before her marriage, Rose McCaffrey, of Lot 65, was much esteemed as a kind and sympathetic neighbor. She was a most devoted wife and mother, and took a deep interest along with her husband in the home life, and the management of the farm.
Mrs. Murphy during the past years had been afflicted with almost total blindness, a sad trial which she bore with great resignation.
Some few years ago her eldest daughter, Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Boston predeceased her. She leaves to mourn besides a sorrowing husband one son Frank at home and two daughters, (Mrs. Leonard Duffy) of Shamrock and Nellie, of Waltham, Mass.
The funeral took place on Friday, Jan. 13th, interment being in Kinkora Cemetery, where the funeral rites were performed by the pastor, Rev. M.J. Smith.
The pall bearers were John Mohan, Peter MacMahon, Michael Clark, John Matheson, John Kelly, and Patrick McCarville.
To the bereaved family the community offers the deepest consolation.

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